Flagler honored with Virginia Housing Award for Best Housing Program
The Villa’s Flagler Housing & Homeless Services have been named Best Housing Program in the state. Our Flagler team received the Virginia Housing Award at the annual Governor’s Housing Conference in Hampton Roads. Congratulations to our amazing staff whose work breaks the cycle of homelessness for children and families every day!
“Creating a stable place for our residents to live is a key component in our efforts to build a new Virginia economy,” said Governor Terry McAuliffe. “These housing awards recognize outstanding and innovative efforts in crafting effective solutions for the Commonwealth’s complex array of housing needs. I applaud the winners for the great work they are doing.”
Click here for the full press release on Governor McAuliffe’s website.
Flagler completed its transition to the rapid re-housing model in 2013, and became one of the first three rapid re-housing providers in the nation to be certified by National Alliance to End Homelessness. Rapid re-housing sees higher success rates because it solves a homeless household’s most urgent and basic need first: housing stability. After housing is obtained, our case workers can more easily address the factors that led to homelessness.
We thank our many community partners for making Flagler’s work possible. The real award is giving children and families a place to call home with your support.