The Council on Accreditation (COA) presents the Innovative Practices Award to spotlight organizations that bring lasting change to the lives of vulnerable individuals through unique, forward-thinking initiatives. This year, our life-saving Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) will be named runner-up for this national honor at the annual COA Conference in New York City. The CSU opened […]
Read MoreThe thought of college can be intimidating and stressful for any high school student. For some, due to a variety of reasons, attending college isn’t even a consideration. As Villa students come of the age to start thinking about life after high school, student mentors from Virginia Commonwealth University have provided them with encouragement, support, and a real-life picture […]
Read MoreCollegiate School’s Community Engagement Week turned out to be a very special time for our Sarah Dooley Center for Autism students. From February 8-12, thirteen Collegiate School freshmen volunteers spent five full school days assisting our students from kindergarten all the way up to high school. Collegiate students split up among Sarah Dooley’s grade levels and […]
Read MoreSome students do well in a “traditional” school program and others just don’t. Maybe their school is “too big” or “impersonal.” Maybe you hear “the other kids aren’t like me” or “the teachers don’t like me.” Regardless of the reason considering switch your child’s school, especially mid-year, is rarely an easy decision. Sometimes you don’t […]
Read MoreBecause of the community’s generosity during our Season of Hope: 225 Villa kids have new clothing and gifts to open 250 hygiene stockings were given to families in need $2,000 in grocery gift cards will provide children and families with hearty meals this holiday 15 newly housed families received clothing, toiletry and household items We can’t […]
Read MoreGarth Callaghan, known nationwide as The Napkin Notes Dad, visited the Villa’s Brook Road Academy and Dooley School in full Jedi apparel with a special holiday gift to impart to students: Star Wars toys. Why is Garth called The Napkin Notes Dad? Every day since his daughter Emma was in kindergarten, Garth wrote an inspirational note on […]
Read MoreWith support from United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg, Brookfield Foundation and Virginia Nonprofit Housing Coalition, Flagler Housing & Homeless Services has initiated a youth rapid re-housing pilot program as an extension of its successful rapid re-housing services for homeless individuals and families. The pilot program is designed to discover and prioritize the unique […]
Read MoreIn most public education systems teaching methods are geared towards the majority. Schools just aren’t equipped to employ alternative educational models for students who learn in a different way, or need individualized attention. Students that don’t learn effectively in a public school environment are often viewed as not as smart as the others, disruptive, unproductive, […]
Read MoreThe Villa’s Flagler Housing & Homeless Services have been named Best Housing Program in the state. Our Flagler team received the Virginia Housing Award at the annual Governor’s Housing Conference in Hampton Roads. Congratulations to our amazing staff whose work breaks the cycle of homelessness for children and families every day! “Creating a stable place […]
Read MoreToday we welcomed Delegate Lamont Bagby, Legislative Assistant to Delegate Jennifer McClellan Abbey Phillips, local educational agencies and parents for VAISEF Legislator’s Day (Virginia Association of Independent Specialized Education Facilities). We’re grateful for the opportunity to serve as a host site where everyone could participate in conversation about how private individualized education strengthens students, families […]