Training Grounds: Students build career skills in the new Villa Coffee Shop

Something special started brewing at the Villa this summer! What began as an idea to teach job skills quickly turned into a campus favorite when our Transition and Wellness team launched the Villa Coffee Shop as the newest work training site on campus. Now, every Thursday, students are serving over 100 cups of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate to excited crowds of staff and their peers, all while learning the ropes of running a business.

More than just a place to grab a drink, the Villa Coffee Shop provides students hands-on experiences to practice essential job skills in a realistic work setting. Participants in our Career and Transition Services program have the opportunity to engage in customer service, track inventory, and manage a welcoming space for everyone to enjoy.

“It brings the Villa community together,” said Matthew Kreydatus, Senior Director of Transition and Wellness Services. “The students are not only learning practical skills, they’re also helping to create a gathering space that supports connection.”

The Coffee Shop evolved from a previous initiative where staff and students traveled around campus with a mobile coffee cart. Seeing the need for a more immersive training environment, the team established a permanent location in Cottage 4. Since then, students in our Dooley School, Dooley Center for Alternative Education, and Sarah Dooley Center for Autism have actively participated in keeping the Coffee Shop running smoothly, from planning seasonal treats to shopping for allergy-friendly menu options.

Students are already laying the groundwork for bigger things at the Coffee Shop in the future. Plans are in motion to showcase student artwork in a rotating gallery, featuring a new “Artist of the Month.” Merchandise like tote bags and hats will also be available for purchase, giving students additional marketing and retail experience. Recently, a TV was installed and connected to Apple Music, which students can use to curate a soundtrack for a cozy coffee shop vibe.

Student receiving hot chocolate

“The increase in work ethic among students has been inspiring to see,” said Garland Guion II, Program Lead of Operations for Career and Transition Services. “Many students want to stay past their shift because they’re enjoying the experience so much.”

The Coffee Shop is housed within the Villa’s new Transition and Wellness Center, which also encompasses Culinary Services, the Villa Grocery food pantry, and more work training centers coming soon, including a pizza shop and a podcast studio. Each of these initiatives is designed to equip students with the skills and confidence they need to thrive beyond the classroom. Stay tuned for more exciting developments from the Villa Coffee Shop and other innovative programs coming from the Transition and Wellness Center!

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